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Malayalam Film and Television Chamber of Commerce

Malayalam Film and Television Chamber of Commerce


The Malayalam Film and Television Chamber of Commerce is a Non-Profit Organization (NPO) works with professionalism, vision, mission, adequate planning and practicability for the betterment of financially poor artists and technicians from all areas in the film and television industry.

We believe in non-discrimination and sharing equal work space with women. We genuinely encourage women to come forward to work in the Film and Television industry through giving proper education, competent training, industry support, and mentorship opportunities for weaker section of women artists. We intend to extend the support to all family members of artists who are economically backward and struggling to lead a decent lift.

We on the Board of Directors and the Managing Committee of the Malayalam Film and Television Chamber of Commerce earnestly seeks the help of all philanthropists, film and art lovers like you who can afford to spare funds to support needy artistes in Maharashtra and Kerala.

We are creating a separate Artists’ Welfare Fund. By becoming a Patron, you or your firm can contribute to this fund and be a part of our schemes for the underprivileged artistes and technicians.

We will be grateful if you help us with your ideas and patronage. You will be treated as a distinguished guest at all our functions.

We, at MFTC, have many charity and welfare projects for the benefit of financially backward artists and their families who reside in Maharashtra and Kerala. The projects cover social health, education, training to artists to enable them to attain excellence in their fields.

In the social health field we intend to conduct free medical camps and their follow up meets, give free medicines, organize medical health seminars and educational workshops.

In the educational field we will conduct various career guidance programmes, provide educational products and financial help to needy people and conduct educational seminars and Spoken English Classes.

Besides, we will give financial assistance to the very poor and needy artists who are too sick to continue working.

To execute all these projects in Maharashtra and Kerala the MFTC needs huge funds. We appeal you or your company/organization either to be a Patron or a Charity Sponsor for our various projects to contribute a sizeable sum which will be used to help the needy artists and technicians in the entertainment industry.

All donations and charity sponsorships to the Malayalam Film and Television Chamber of Commerce can avail tax exemption.

Our Income Tax Exemption Registration number under 80G is AANCM5068JF20216, Income Tax Exemption Registration number under 12A is AANCM5068JE20218 and CSR Registration number is CSR00033517.

Kindly Click Here for becoming a Patron or a Charity Sponsor