As an umbrella organization of the Malayalam entertainment industry, the Malayalam Film and Television Chamber of Commerce (MFTC) plays a key role in the welfare of the people in the entertainment industry. It insists on following good practices, blends professionalism with knowledge, expertise, skills, experience and innovation and works for the growth and reputation of the Film and Television industry.
MFTC stands for Artists, Technicians, Producers, Distributors and Exhibitors. Each Artist, Technician, Producer, Distributor and Exhibitor plays an important and influential role in the making of a Film or TV serial. The Writer and Producer are essential people in the entertainment industry. But now the Writers and Producers feel that their worth is not acknowledged or highlighted with the result the general public is not aware of the vital role they play in the Malayalam Film and TV industry. MFTC believes that they must get their due respect, recognition and importance in all respect.
Actors, Technicians, Distributors and Exhibitors are equally important in the Film and Television industry. But their work can begin only if there is a good story and even more important than that, an individual or organization willing to finance the process of turning it into a movie. Finance is of paramount importance.
When we aim high at a career, we must acquire substantial academic qualifications, subject knowledge, an open mind and broad attitude to adapt various situations and learn skills, undergo training, understand and implement innovations in the work place. A Producer should be constantly updated about the developments in the entertainment industry.
MFTC encourages and helps women to become Producers. The educated women are masters in multi-tasking, overall management including finance and can do things in an organized manner. If trained and guided properly, they can come out with flying colours as Producers.
The film producing trends have changed and producers, especially new Producers, who are not aware of the prevailing trends, norms, practices and rights are misguided a landing into big trouble. Result the new Producer’s production will sadly fail in the box office. To help the new Producers and the existing Producers, MFTC organizes special workshops and training programmes for new Producers besides an Integrated Course for Film Producing.
Any Film and Television Producing Company, Partnership firm, Private Limited or Limited Company, One Person Company, Limited Liability Partnership Company, Society or Organization, the proprietor of a firm or an Individual above 18 years is eligible to become a Producer Life Member of the Malayalam Film and Television Chamber of Commerce.
The Producer Membership registration, Banner Registration, CBFC related documents application and all other services are hassle-free and can be done online from anywhere in the world sitting in the comfort of your home, office or work place round the clock. The Malayalam Film and Television Chamber of Commerce will accept only online membership applications as the digital mode has obvious advantages.
The Producer Life Membership is valid lifelong for a Proprietorship firm or individual. The Producer Life Member can apply only one Banner. The registration of Banner is to be done within 120 days of becoming a Producer Life Member and it is absolutely FREE. If the Banner registration is delayed for any reason, a late fee of ₹ 2,000 is to be paid for the late registration. If the Producer fails to register the Banner, even after paying the late fee, within one year, the Producer Membership will get cancelled automatically.
For changing the Banner name to another one by an individual, Proprietorship firm, valid Company or Partnership firm, an amount of ₹ 25,000 is to be paid for the change.
If any additional Banner is to be registered by an individual, Proprietorship, Partnership firm, Private Limited or One Person Company or Limited Company or Limited Liability Partnership firm, Society or Organization, a new membership application is necessary after paying the prevailing fees. For any name changes in the existing Banner due to change of ownership, a new application is necessary with payment of the prevailing fees.
A Producer should give ₹ 2,000 for registering the Title of the Film or TV serial and ₹ 1,000 for Project Facilitation fee together subject to the conditions explained in the Producer Registration page. Rest everything including Banner Registration, Publicity Design Approval, CBFC related documents etc. are provided free of charge from MFTC.
The current fees for Producer Life Membership is ₹ 50,000
Now Banner registration is hassle free and can be done online from anywhere in the world sitting at the comfort of your home, office or work place.
After becoming a Producer member anybody can register the Banner absolutely FREE.
Kindly note the Producer Membership is valid for life time and cannot be transferred to third party or changed to another own production company’s name.
Please click the Banner Registration button on top of this page that will take you to the Registration Form.
Malayalam Film and Television Chamber of Commerce additionally provides the services towards clearance of publicity designs of feature films as part of the certification process with the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) and can only be availed by the Benefactor Life Members.
The clearance process commences with an application from a Producer Life Member seeking approval of their forthcoming film’s publicity designs for certification purpose.
Subsequently, the publicity designs are cleared and endorsed by the Malayalam Film and Television Chamber of Commerce at the earliest subject to the established norms, practices and guidelines of the film industry.
The Banner Registration Certificate and Publicity Designs Clearance Certificate issued by the Malayalam Film and Television Chamber of Commerce as required by its members for the purpose of certification of films by the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) and / or for the records of its members.
The next step after registering the Banner by a Producer or Producing Company is Title Registration of the film or TV serial. Only the Producer or Producing Company can register the Title by paying the prescribed fee together with Project Facilitation fee.
The initial Registration of Title is for one year. If the film or TV serial production has not started within one year, the Producer or Producing Company is eligible to renew the Title Registration for another year. If the Producer or Producing Company is not succeeding to start their project within two years, the Title name will be allotted to any new applicant. Any re-registration of same title after two years is subject to the approval of the Managing Committee.
The film made within two years of the registered Title is generally considered for the validity of 10 years from the censoring date. It is learned from the peers and pioneers from the industry that the South India Film Chamber of Commerce, which is established in 1939, suggested approximately five decades back a 10-year validity period for the produced film title and the entertainment industry throughout India honourably following it. The South Indian Film Chamber of Commerce (SIFCC) consists of the Telugu Film Chamber of Commerce, Karnataka Film Chamber of Commerce, Kerala Film Chamber of Commerce, soon the Malayalam Film and Television Chamber of Commerce shall be a member of SIFCC, and the Tamil Nadu Film Chamber of Commerce. It is important to note that internationally the names and titles are not entitled for copyright or trademark. India being the member of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) we are not considering names and titles for copyright and trademark. For good industry practice and order, self-esteem, uplift the privileges and recognition, and safe guard the honour and ethics of the film producer fraternity MFTC stick to the 10-year validity of the film title. We use to check the authenticity of a title through our general sources, shared data, Google, internet and Artificial Intelligence. A Producer or Producing Company can apply for Title Validity Certificate attaching a copy of the Censor Certificate. After the validity anyone can use the title again without the permission of the title holder.
The Malayalam TV industry is part of our entertainment industry and equally important like film industry. Since TV serials do not need Censor Certification now, many new Producers use film titles without a courteous request to the title holder of the film or his/her knowledge. It is advisable to keep good practices and healthy relationships between film and TV producers, mutual respect, trust, harmony and decorum should be maintained and no film title within 10-year validity period to be used without a courteous request from to film Producer or Producing Company by a new TV Producer or Producing Company. Though not mandatory it is widely accepted and an honourable right of the film Producer that he/she used the title for his/her film and he or she should happily sanction the request to use it again during 10 years or afterwards. No money or favours should be asked for sanctioning the usage of film Title for a new TV Serial. MFTC supports and encourages this practice.
Always remember to pay the appropriate fees and fill up the correct payment reference number before submitting the respective application form. The Membership Fee once paid will not be refunded, transferred or adjusted.
There is a separate section for the following:
(i) Project Starting Advance Information including copies agreements signed with main artists
(ii) Project Progressing Report
(iii) Publicity Designs Application for Approval
(iv) Shooting Completion Report
(v) Post Production Work Starting Intimation
(vi) All work completed and all payments cleared intimation
(vii) Application/intimation related to any other matter
It is a general report about the project starting date, shooting of how many scenes already completed, tentative further shooting plan and relevant information.
Earlier Publicity Designs Application for Approval was submitted just before the Censor Certificate application. Nowadays producers and film production companies are using social media for the promotion of their film from the initial stage such as first look poster, first video song poster etc. So a producer can apply for Publicity Designs Application for Approval three or four times attaching copies of designs and posters. Mainly the posters and designs should not be anti-national and should upheld the values of our constitution and abiding by the laws in the country and state.
Producer should submit a Shooting Completion Report containing the total number of scenes and total length of the film. Also mention if any delay happened other than the initial plan and the cause of delay.
Producers are advised to intimate the date of post-production work start, approximate days required to complete the entire post-production work specifically mentioning editing, re-recording, graphics, vfx, special effects, back ground music, titles, subtitles and dubbing.
Producer is asked to submit a declaration stating that all production work completed and all main payments cleared.
Also mention separately in the message box whether you want MFTC assistance for distribution and exhibition of your film. All general guidelines and advice will be given freely. However, any professional advice and facilitation by our Peers and Panel Experts will be provided either free of charge or at a moderate fee.
Producer can use the Application/Intimation form for any other matter related to film production. A producer or production company can use the message section to communicate the matter in detail.
After submitting all production work completed and all payments cleared intimation by the producer to MFTC about a project, the producer can apply for a certificate from MFTC endorsing the project is completed and ready for Censor Certification.
Various certificates such as the Banner Registration, Title Registration, Script Registration by writer, Publicity Designs Clearance and Censor Certification eligibility issued by the Malayalam Film and Television Chamber of Commerce as required by its members for the purpose of certification of films by the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) and / or for the records of its members.
Please click the appropriate button given on top of this page for Banner registration, Title registration, Other Approval/Intimation and Censor Certificate Eligibility Application.