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Malayalam Film and Television Chamber of Commerce

Malayalam Film and Television Chamber of Commerce

Terms and Conditions

  1. The Script Registration Tariff will be revised, altered, increased or decreased from time to time and will be published in the MFTC website.

  2. If a Writer is also a Producer he or she can become a Writer and Producer member together and MFTC will give special discount in fees and two Identity Cards will be issued separately. For more information please write to

  3. A Writer who is a member of MFTC can register any number of Scripts subject to the conditions mentioned in the Online Script Registration Instructions, Frequently Asked Question, Terms and Conditions and other information published in our website and there is no restriction.

  4. It is not mandatory to become a member of MFTC to become a professional Scriptwriter. However, many a Producers will ask you to register your script/work with MFTC, as it’s the correct and professional way to function. Furthermore, it helps if you run into any problems with fellow writers or Producers/Directors/Actors in matter of Copyright, credit, remuneration etc.

  5. If any of our Writer member’s work is facing Copyright infringement/theft, MFTC will help the member in such a situation. First the member has to give a written complaint to MFTC providing the adequate proof of Copyright infringement/theft and stating that the said work was registered with us. We will review the complaint and assign it to our Complaint Settlement Committee comprising of Advocates, Writers, Management Experts and Arbitrators. They will handle it properly with or without a Professional fee.

  6. MFTC is a Non-Profit Organisation and we do not give opportunities to Writers directly. However, we do help our members with opportunities of networking and exposure with workshops, pitching sessions, conferences etc.

  7. If a member wants to draft a Writer’s Agreement, MFTC’s Complaint Settlement Committee will guide you and give tips free of charge. However, to prepare an agreement the Complaint Committee will advise you an Advocate from our Panel who will do the work either free of charge or at subsidized fees.